Monday, 20 May 2013

Eggs, Cockroaches, and Hiccups

So I feel like not a lot of my stories on the blog aren't necessarily centered around all of the actual work that we do, and honestly, as many adventures and hilarious moments we have, what it's really about for me down here, is sharing this gospel and the joy that comes from it. 

A lot of the experiences I have are just so personal that they are more for my journal than a blog, but I promise to share as often as seems appropriate.

This week my companion and I had a really neat experience where we were able to be at the right place, at the right time. Each night, as missionaries when we come home, we pray and plan for the following day. We look through the appointments we have, plan what we will be teaching them, and make backups of people to visit in case something is to fall through. I've found that as we pray and really ponder on what we should be teaching and where we should go, the Lord truly guides us. 

A few nights ago, we planned to contact a certain building (knock doors, share messages, offer to help with housework, or give any type of service). When we got there, Hna Laughlin realized she'd already been there before we were companions, but we decided to continue with our plan, and on the second floor we met a woman who immediately let us in. They had tried to teach her a little while before but the cita (appt) had fallen through and they never got a chance to go back. As we were talking about her Heavenly Father's love for her, she started crying and saying that we had come at the right time and that she knew we were sent to her. She explained about some really difficult trials she was going through and we were able to share about principles of the gospel that give us the strength and the hope to keep going when we have trials. 

We didn't have a lot of time, but I really am grateful for these moments when I know I am where I am supposed to be. It doesn't take many to make up for the hard days, or the days I feel discouraged. I learn something new every single day and I really am working my hardest and I know that as long as I do my best, I have someone watching out for me and making up the rest,

with love,
Hna Coe

So here's rest of my week :-)

Cue the corny music, "Reunited and it feels so gooodd!"

Haha! This week has been a crazy one, tons of meetings and lessons and pretty much anything else that could happen has happened, but the highlight of my week was going to a meeting with all of the people in the mission who are in their second transfer. I got to see the girls from my district in the CCM who are serving in this mission, and it was seriously the best! It was so fun and natural being back with them again, the only difference was our crazy tans. We've definitely been through a lot together and itss neat that I've met some of my best friends out here on the mission!
And this one is Hna Christensen and I (my first companion when I arrived at the CCM)!  I have missed her so much!  We send little notes back and forth through the mission mail because she is in an area that's a few hours away, so we never seem to cross paths.

A few other highlights from this week:

1. Our electricity is officially shut off! Something went wrong when they were trying to pay our electricity bill so we're officially without!  "Se fue la luz"

2. We got egged, Okay well, it was one egg, and it didn't actually hit us, but some kid threw an egg at us when we were walking home one night out of a fifth floor window. I literally could not tell you how it did not hit us, it literally landed on the ground right in between hna laughlin and I, and we were walking pretty close together. All we got were some egg shells on our legs and a great story for our kids someday :-)  I know I've said it before, but Heavenly Father watches over His missionaries.

3. People have been contacting US on the street like crazy, I don't know what it is. When we meet someone who doesn't live in our area we normally ask if they want missionaries to come visit them in their homes and ask for their address (to give to the missionaries who are serving in their area). But recently people have been coming up to us and asking us to take down their directions! The first time we were totally thrown off, but it really is rad.

4. People here are so funny and blunt. The other day someone told me "All of the missionaries from the US that I meet have really pretty eyes like hers  Yours aren't. You just have dominican eyes." And another woman told me that I was "gordita" in a family picture.... haha, I'm learning to take it as a compliment, although I prefer the word "healthy."

5. Killed my first cockroach.... needless to say I was screaming like my 5-year-old-self the whole time, but it was HUGE and those things are gnarly.

6. Got stranded in the rain at our District meeting because I was to lazy to carry my umbrella, We were going to wait it out, but then gave up and made a crazy sprint yelling the whole way to catch our gua gua. Then it took 45 minutes just to get one... I'm pretty sure the elders that were still waiting under the shelter of the church for the rain to stop think we're crazy. (we are)

7. Last night decided again that we didnt think it was going to rain and didn't bring umbrellas... turned out it did. Seeing a trend?

8. Had crazy hiccups when I was trying to invite a couple to the church. Needless to say it was entertaining.

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